Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I'm writing from my bed in Oklahoma City! The trip went well-- no inconveniences. :)

Yesterday I was feeling pretty terrified. Well, absolutely terrified. I knew I had practice at 7 in the morning and I didn't really know anything beyond that, other than that there was construction and my GPS didn't really know that area of town at all. Great, right?

BUT I got up, ate a bit, and -- somehow in my sleep -- convinced myself that if they kicked me out they would be making the worst decision of their lives. I was feeling good again! Super strong!

Once I showed up at the boathouse, after following one of my roommates (a kayaker), I was met by a giantess, Meg. Tall, tall, tall. She was one of the other four openweight women. (That's right, there are four of us.) Then I met giantess #2. Taller. I felt like the shortest person they had ever seen. 

Jeremy, our coach, threw us four in a quad. We had a more relaxed practice because the other girls are just getting off their racing season. It was extremely windy and much colder than I had expected. I would have frozen, except Hilary, the forth openweight, lent me her fleece :)

At the end of practice, the giants weren't quite the skyscrapers I had originally seen them as. Still tall, but at least human.

Tomorrow I am going to a lab for full body composition testing, including underwater weighing, bioelectrical impedance, and five other tests. Totally crazy.

I attached some pics of our apartment! My roommates are super nice.

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